Page name: Movie Maniacs [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-04-24 17:06:17
Last author: Melkor
Owner: Melkor
# of watchers: 10
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Hey there folks, [Melkor] here. I decided to finally make a wiki page and because I love movies so much it was the first thing that came to me so if your a bit of a movie freak join up.

You do not need permission to join just go to the Member wiki, edit the page and add your name to the list, it's that simple. Once you've added your name you can take a banner, start commenting and enjoy.

Links: - Great for info on upcoming movies. - A good site that I mainly use for information and the cast pf certain movies.

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2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: *drags u back by force again*

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: *hold u there for [greekgirlfriend]*

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: *hold u there for [greekgirlfriend]*

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: *hold u there for [greekgirlfriend]*

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: *ripes nails off ... skines top layer of skin off ... poors alcohol all over the body ... startes to slowley cut the skin and watch the blood flow down the body*

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: that is my version of fun

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: that sounds familiar....

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: lol....

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: *smirkes evily* you no me

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: of course... *huggles*.... me go bye bye now... gotta call someone... *coughs chris*

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: it does started to get fun and you go *sniffe sniffle*

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: AWW.... LOOK AT THE BLOOD...HOW NICE OF U!!!..*SUCKS MY BLOOD*

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: *slaps you in the back of the head* idiot... lol...

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: it amazes me how many unintelligent people we have on this poor excuse for a planet

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: *pimp slaps* ..bitch

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: im uninteligent.. jest ask shuan!!

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: riiiiiiiiiiight ... just keep teling yourself that

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: uh, sweetie, learn how to spell, ok?

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: meaning [Tiffie]

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: o.0 ... what ever... i can spell.. when im not lazy.. and not every one is perfect.. u no hearted basterds

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: really now? could've fooled me... and yes i know not everyone is perfect... but there are some people who are a lot closer than you... and i do have a heart, it just happens to be black though...

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: im not perfict.. i know that .. RELLY MY HEArT IS BLACK TO!!! .. or its jest a blackhole.....

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: you have a heart (ment toward [amyleewolf14])... wow ... we are not basterds we are bitches ... get it right

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: no.. ur allllll basterds to me!!.. except shaun.. hes not a basterd....nope* nods*

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: really now [Tiffie]? i thought, from the way you act and all, it was yellow, orange, or pink... all bright, cheerful colors... so yeah... and who was that directed to [greekgirlfriend]? me or her?..... and yes, i am a bitch....

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: ah i c

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: ok now sis

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: nvm [greekgirlfriend]... and yes i do have a heart... its black and sometimes does not beat...

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: nvm [greekgirlfriend]... and yes i do have a heart... its black and sometimes does not beat...

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: nvm [greekgirlfriend]... and yes i do have a heart... its black and sometimes does not beat...

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: bright... hmm.. that reminds me!!.. i got a RELLY BIG SHEET OF PAPAER!! .. and its acid green *halo*

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: i dont ^_^ or at least i think i dont ... it never made any noise (my so calles non existing heart)

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: and sbs is coolies... and is it accept or except [Tiffie]?

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: me like bright green.... my only bright color.... green... prettyful....

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: except .. :P .. im a bad speller i know

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: memory is stuck in my head ... grrrrr

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: dont feel bad... so is [greekgirlfriend]... im a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to spelling so w/e...

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: lol

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: *glairs at [amyleewolf14]* ... i no ^_^

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: whaaaat?

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: did i confuzle you again

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: no... and u spelled glare wrong...... again....

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: as usual...

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: so what is your point

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: i dunno... do i even have one? yes, i do.... learn how to spell already!!!!!!!!

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: .........

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: no you dont have a point b/c you have no nails ... unlike me who has nails that go to a point ^_^

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: lol yea...anyways..*dose the boogie*

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: *growls*... no, but i do have fangs... sorta... *bah*.... i have more muscle power!!!!!!

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: so i still have my nails ^_^ and memory is still stuck in my head

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: i growl better than you *growls* ^_^ see

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: sorry sis but my din din is ready so i have to go

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: grrness.... and ur growl is lower, but i can still growl! i'm getting better at it... ^.^..... and nails are nothing compared to muscles cuz i can hold u down if i need to... and haha for memory...

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: my growl is softer, and a little higher pitched, but i can still growl! urs is loud as hell like chris's... no fair.... *whimpers* and yes i am the queen of whimpering so ha! beatcha on that sis!

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: im the queen of the damned so beat that

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: i'm not a bitch, i'm the bitch, and that's miss bitch to you!

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: so ha!

2004-07-05 [Melkor]: OMG I havn't read all this in ages and now I have I'm pissed you two better leave [Tiffie] ALONE!

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: when did i every say that you arent a bitch

2004-07-05 [Melkor]: *cranks up the music and boogies* Yeeeeehaw yeah thats right I'm the bitch

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: tell her to leave us alone and we may consider it

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: oy... sbs has been unleashed...

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: sorry but you arent a bitch shaun ... only my sis and i are given that title

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: and im miss bitch so what now... ur just an sbs...

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: sry, but u r... poor little sbs...

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: lol ... soon to be misses ^_^

2004-07-05 [Melkor]: I'm a perfectionist on spelling too so be carefil <- intentionally spelt wrong so BACK OFF

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: w/e ... im use to it

2004-07-05 [Melkor]: I read the convo she was leaving you alone then you started bitching

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: im a bitch what do you expect ... shes an anoying lil it that needs to get hit by a really big bus

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: w/e..... hehe... me a misses bitch? hmm... interesting.... and i am also a perfectionist, other than my typo's.... so back off urself....

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: *growls and lunges at shaun*

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: *scratches him and jumps to the ceiling*

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: *growls and lunges at shaun with katana* cant help it

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: *hisses and shows fangs*

2004-07-05 [Melkor]: SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT THE FUCK UP

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: *whimpers*

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: *hisses and shows fangs*

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: ur bein a big meaniehead....

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: me or him ... both ... ok ^_^

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: we were just havin a little fun... jeez... chill out sbs....

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: and no sis i meant him...

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: this is our version of fun ... ok

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: we go into vamp mode (or at least i do) and we have our fun... so calm down....

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: i have a diferent fun ... but not that different fom sises version

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: yeah really... urs is torment... *cringe*.... mine is just slice and dice... but u have to hear the screams first... *cringe again*.... me just like to see pain in other ppl....

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: ^.^ me like to slash and stuffage.... u like to pour alcohol... me just like to see ppl in pain and see they're fear of me....

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: i like to torment and torcher ... its quit fun ... stop cringing

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: the alcohol hurts like hell on an open wound

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: cant help it... its sick... u bloodthirsty person u... hehe... me like to see ppl clench in pain.... ^.^

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: u think so?

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: i dont think ... im not sick ... i just like having fun

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: i knew that........... and yes u r sick and yes u do like to have fun... so its a sick kind of fun....

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: ^_^ i cant help it ... its not sick to me ^_^

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: yes, i know that, but its sick to me.... *cringe*.... too much gore... me like blood, just not organs....

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: but there so squishy and fun to rip out

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: *stomach flips* stop it! *cringe*.... yuck.... but u wont watch resident evil, and its got organ ripping in it....

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: organs/muscle showing too.... *puppy in mind* cute tho...

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: however, i couldnt watch some parts of underworld (one of my fav vampy movies)

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: so grrrr

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: *glairs* and u no perfectly why i wont ... plus id rather do the organ pocking and riping it you dont mind

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: what parts of underworld cant you watch

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: brb sis ... table dutie

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: i know why, but still tho......... and the parts where viktor is awakening (the blood activating his heart and u see it pumping), and when michael is changing into a lycan in the car (you see his ribs getting bigger and stuffage) and i cant watch (at the beginning) the dude (thats hanging up) getting his blood tested by the other dude thats talking to lucian (the lycan dude)

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: u know why i cant stand anything that has to do with needles or see the insides of ppl.... i was traumatized as a small child... saw my own organs thank you, dont need to see anyone elses.... its sick and twisted and it makes my stomach really tense and it makes me queasy and wants to barf.... so yeah... no thank you................................... ok...

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: you saw your own organs ... nice

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: uh... remember my arm.... its fascinating to you how i cant feel anything.......... weirdo...

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: yes it does fascinate me but your arm has nothing to do with your organs ... *leans closer* ... so ... you can tell me on AIM if you want ... me realy want to no

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: ill trade you arms ^_^

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: tell you what? and uh, i did get to see all my veins and muscles and bones.... i consider it disgusting... and i almost died... blood transfusion saved me........ and yes i'll gladly trade u arms...

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: eeeeeeeeeeek ... cant wait ... me get cool arm .. so happy ^_^

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: oy

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: ^_^ what *says in inocent voice* ... did i do anything wrong ... i never do anything wrong

2004-07-06 [amyleewolf14]: oy............ yeah right.... lil miss innocent... *bah*

2004-07-06 [greekgirlfriend]: see you even agree ... im so innocent ... im going to go shoot myself for sayin that ... brb

2004-07-06 [amyleewolf14]: *cough* yeah but i was kidding... thats the difference...... and you go do that... have fun... dont hurt yourself too bad....

2004-07-06 [greekgirlfriend]: ok ^_^ *bang* ... i missed ... damn ... *grabs butcher knife* ... *cutes wrist* ... thats better ^_^ .... *runs away before courtnie kills me*

2004-07-06 [amyleewolf14]: *hunts you down and beats you to a bloody pulp* you know how i feel about that.... me kick your ass for it.... *tears a limb off* i'll rip you limb from limb if you do that....

2004-07-06 [greekgirlfriend]: lmao ... can i have my limb back please .... i didnt do it .... yes i no how you feel about that but you should try it sometimes ... *grabs limb and runs like/to hell*

2004-07-06 [Tiffie]: o.0..............uhhhhhh...........holy cow poopie.. u people have to boogie more o.0

2004-07-07 [Melkor]: You say alot of crap and I'm gonna start deleting your posts if you don't get on topic

2004-07-07 [Tiffie]: o.0

2004-07-07 [Magen.]:  ^^ hewwo peoples

2004-07-08 [Tiffie]: sooo..whats the topic agen??

2004-07-08 [Melkor]: Movies of course

2004-07-08 [Tiffie]: oh.. yea.. lol

2004-07-10 [~mandy~]: ggfssdfj

2004-07-10 [Magen.]:  ..... HELLO!

2004-07-11 [Dumpysaurus]: Hello!

2004-07-11 [Magen.]: lol

2004-07-11 [Dumpysaurus]: So.... PRINCESS MONONOKE!

2004-07-15 [LonelyKiddo]: Hi Everybody! *says it like Dr.Nick from The Simpsons*

2004-07-15 [Dumpysaurus]: HI Dr. Nick!

2004-07-15 [Tiffie]: lol

2004-07-15 [Dumpysaurus]: JIM HENSON! The LABYRINTH!

2004-07-15 [Tiffie]: the whatta what?

2004-07-17 [Dumpysaurus]: The Labyrinth is an awesomely awesome puppet movie by Jim Henson. Brian Froud was the concept artist. Whee!

2004-07-17 [Tiffie]: huh .. o.0

2004-07-17 [Dumpysaurus]: It's a MOVIE. Am I in the wrong wiki?

2004-07-17 [Tiffie]: lol no ..

2004-07-17 [Dumpysaurus]: Awright, groovy! So! The Labyrinth is a very spiffy movie, which all should watch and be happy over.

2004-07-17 [Tiffie]: i havent seen it .. o.0 i didnt hear of it till yesterday :s

2004-07-17 [Dumpysaurus]: *gasp* You MUST watch it! And its sister movie, The Dark Crystal. I wish someone would bring back puppets, rather than leaning on computer graphics all the time. It's just no fun anymore!

2004-07-17 [Tiffie]: lol ok

2004-07-17 [Dumpysaurus]: Darn tootin'.

2004-07-20 [Melkor]: They do look kool but can you imagine the Balrog in The Lord of the Rings as a puppet I think they got it perfect

2004-07-20 [Melkor]: Lol Jen Darn tootin' ha... HA HA HA!!!!    sorry

2004-07-21 [Magen.]:  ^_^ hello!

2004-07-21 [Dumpysaurus]: 'Ello! Hee, you're right, cg worked for the Balrog... but what about the dreaded Jar Jar Binx? (dun dun DUN!)

2004-07-22 [Melkor]: I have nothing bad to say about Jar jar he rawks

2004-07-22 [Melkor]: ...and don't forget it =p

2004-07-22 [Dumpysaurus]: You know, he didn't bother me when I first saw the movie, but after everyone said how annoying he was, I couldn't help but see it, too. Grah.

2004-07-22 [Dumpysaurus]: I use too many commas.

2004-07-22 [Tiffie]: ....

2004-07-22 [Dumpysaurus]: Hi there, Leggy! Talk to meh.

2004-07-23 [Tiffie]: hi...

2004-07-23 [Dumpysaurus]: Yes, that's it! You win a million cookies.

2004-07-23 [Magen.]:  O.o i want a million cookies ...

2004-07-23 [Tiffie]: YAY..co0o0o0o0o0o0okiesss

2004-07-24 [Dumpysaurus]: *produces another million cookies from out of nowhere* Here ya go! Anyone called "kick-ass-elf" deserves a million cookies.

2004-07-24 [Tiffie]: pffftt... i gave her that name * rolls eyes* i made the account for her

2004-07-24 [Dumpysaurus]: Oh.... well then, props to you! Props to everyone, 'cause I'm feeling generous. Who here has seen A Clockwork Orange?

2004-07-29 [Melkor]: ME!... pfft of course I have >.> I didn't like it though. No sir

2004-07-29 [Tiffie]: i didint .. i feel left out >.< oh well only a movie

2004-07-30 [Melkor]: Only a movie? *dies*

2004-07-30 [Tiffie]: o.0 ..

2004-07-30 [Dumpysaurus]: I haven't seen the movie, but I've read the book. I liked it.... Gwen brought the movie, but I'm afraid to watch it. O_O

2004-08-02 [Dumpysaurus]: *pokes all around* Wake up everybody! I saw the movie the other night. Disturbing. O_O

2004-08-02 [Dumpysaurus]: Well, it probably makes more sense when you've read the book. So I got to feel smart when I watched it!

2004-08-02 [Dumpysaurus]: And ironically enough, someone named "Ultraviolence" logged in just as I posted these comments. *nod*

2004-08-02 [Melkor]: But of course it's NOTHING compared to The Crow Well, there isn't a lot out there that compare to The Crow

2004-08-02 [Melkor]: ...Atleast when it's been one of your favourite films since it was first released

2004-08-03 [Dumpysaurus]: I only just saw it! Go me!

2004-08-09 [Magen.]: shaunnnn ...did you ever see the movie underworld?

2004-08-09 [amyleewolf14]: THAT MOVIE IS AWESOME.... *cough* sry.... its one of my fav movies... of all time... so yeah....

2004-08-09 [amyleewolf14]: *runs away*

2004-08-09 [Dumpysaurus]: Groog, I never see anything. -_-

2004-08-09 [Tiffie]: yea.. underworld ... *rolls eyes* magen u didnt even wanna watch it at 1st

2004-08-09 [Magen.]:   ^_^ its kool , i loves it

2004-08-09 [Magen.]: so ???? i wasent talking to you tiffany!

2004-08-09 [Tiffie]: :P sureeeeeeeeeeeeee

2004-08-13 [Melkor]: Damn right I've seen it I got in on DVD like a year ago... was it released in the UK first? O,o Michael looks so kool as a cross between a Vampire and Lycan (Werewolf) that was like the climax of the whole movie. Can't wait to see the sequel if they ever make one

2004-08-13 [amyleewolf14]: agreed.... michael was awesome... loved the way he kicked viktor's butt and all... *nods head* i wanna see the second one when they make it.... (and there is talk that they're going to)...

2004-08-13 [Tiffie]: Michael scared me half to death.. i almost pissed my pants.. not relly .... o.0

2004-08-13 [Magen.]: ^_^

2004-08-14 [Dumpysaurus]: Waaahh, I needa see it.

2004-08-14 [Tiffie]: yep...

2004-08-14 [Dumpysaurus]: *nods slowly*

2004-08-14 [amyleewolf14]: not to get off topic or anything but i though shaun might like to here this: i have a new obsession with the crow....

2004-08-23 [Melkor]: Then you may want to know that there might be a new crow movie coming out

2004-08-23 [amyleewolf14]: coolies! *cough*.... sry.... but yeah... i watched it and now im kinda obsessed...

2004-08-25 [Magen.]: .... i have nine toe's ..

2004-08-25 [Tiffie]: 10 magen 10 toes

2004-08-26 [Dumpysaurus]: I'm zygodactyl!

2004-08-26 [Tiffie]: im watchn DISNEY!..wooohooo

2004-08-27 [Dumpysaurus]: Ooh, which movie?

2004-08-27 [Tiffie]: lion king

2004-08-27 [Dumpysaurus]: *gasp* My favorite! Oooh, I wanna see the added song they put on the dvd release... even though that's become an annoying Disney money-making gimmick...

2004-08-27 [Tiffie]: lol.. the songs alright i guess but meh

2004-08-27 [Dumpysaurus]: Oh, so you have that version? Hmm. Timon is my favorite. And Scar. Woo, Scar!

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